Pure Quality Drinking Water


“APHURBA AQUA was founded with the main goal of providing purest drinking water conveniently delivered to your Home or Office. Potable water being one of the most critical needs of mankind, next to oxygen, triggered our journey to deliver pure, hygienic & great – tasting water filtered with the Latest Technology like RO, UV, UF, Ozone & Added Minerals at the doorstep of every resident, at an affordable price, quality & timely service. We cater & deliver 20 Liters RO Water Jars to Private, Corporate & Commercial Locations (i.e. Private Homes, High Rise Residencies, Shops, Offices, Banks, Banquets, Hotels, Restaurants, Military Stations, Defense Personnel, etc.). If you are looking for high quality water for your home or business, look no further!”

Aphurba Aqua

Everyone deserves water that is clean, pure and safe. We at Aphurba Aqua cater to providing hygienic & great tasting water filtered with the Latest Technology like RO, UV, UF, Ozone & Added Minerals at the doorstep of every resident, at an affordable price, quality & timely service.

Get In Touch

Office Hours: Mon- Sun 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM